online time capsule

My Online Time-Capsule

Thursday, April 2, 2015


         We always talk about what we need. Saying that we can not survive without a certain noun. Whether it is a sibling, boyfriend, morning coffee, blanky, etc. Why do we so easily give our independence up to these things? Because we are uncomfortable doing the simple everyday job of living on our own? Because we are too afraid to know what it will be like without them? Because without these little things that seem like such a huge part of our lives, we would not have anything to occupy our minds with that give the impression of helping with our simple everyday job of living. They call it a blessing to wake up every morning that we do, because it means that God is giving you a "second chance". If that is true, then why? Why am i given so many chances to show that i am not strong enough to live my life without depending on something or someone? I cannot have people telling me that i just need to rely only on my savior, and look forward, because no matter how hard i try to read the bible, go to church every sunday, and share with others, I will still be calling my sister after every bad day, holding the warm hugs from my best friend, use medley sources for extra energy, and sleep with the same blanket that i have been for the last sixteen years.
 "We don't have instructions, we have strangers telling us to believe in God, save yourself for marriage, don't drink, don't smoke, don't lie, don't steal, don't cheat, don't be disrespectful. But for what? For the convenience of everyone else? To make it through the gates of heaven?" -JPM

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